
I fear I’ve killed off a lot of my pep­per plants, both through pulling them up with weeds (we have weeds that look remark­ably like pep­per plants) and now through the cold. I’m quite dis­ap­point­ed. Maybe I’ll try putting some… Read morepep­pers

Garden Excitement

Carl and I have been busy in the gar­den. It’s been lots of fun. I’ve plant­ed: lots of toma­toes, pep­pers, zuc­chi­ni, cucum­bers, mel­ons, onions, pota­toes, sweet pota­toes, car­rots, let­tuce (which is bolt­ing), rhubarb, ama­ranth, and, nat­u­ral­ly, bor­age. My herbs are… Read moreGar­den Excite­ment

new firm!

As my dear hus­band point­ed out, I haven’t updat­ed this since I was study­ing for the Mis­souri bar. In the past three years, I have tak­en (and passed) three bar exams — Mis­souri, Illi­nois, and Kansas — worked for two… Read morenew firm!

GF communion bread

Anoth­er thing: I’m work­ing on a recipe for gluten-free com­mu­nion bread, prefer­ably unleav­ened. I’ll post a recipe if I find one I like, but I would love sug­ges­tions!