We all know ICE has done ter­ri­ble things to peo­ple, even US cit­i­zens and LPRs.  And so I think the ral­ly­ing cry should be:

“Ice ICE, baby.”

I came up with this while I was sort of lis­ten­ing to a con­fer­ence call in my boss’s office.  I start­ed to gig­gle and then had to stop myself.

More on my job lat­er.  Suf­fice it to say, I’m lov­ing being in DC and work­ing for LIRS and using all sorts of acronyms.  The learn­ing curve is amaz­ing­ly steep.  That’s all for now.

If any­one should go hang out with my cats, tell them hi from me and tell them I miss them.  🙂