I’m back from New York

The inter­na­tion­al law con­fer­ence was great!  I met lots of real­ly inter­est­ing peo­ple.  The pan­els were pret­ty decent.

My best friend also end­ed up being at the same con­fer­ence, and we had­n’t estab­lished that until Tues­day.  Crazy.  But it was great to see her.  It had been grad­u­a­tion since we last saw each oth­er.  And anoth­er real­ly good friend from col­lege lives in New York and works as a pas­try cook.  It was so good to be around peo­ple who know me.  I guess it was a nice bal­ance of old and new.

KU won the NCAA bas­ket­ball tour­na­ment.  It was an excit­ing time.  I was in New York for the Final Four, and I hung out at an unof­fi­cial KU alum­ni bar.  Peo­ple were going crazy for Rus­sell Robin­son (from New York, NEW YORK!).  It was tons of fun.

Any­way, life is good, and I’m very thank­ful to be sur­round­ed by peo­ple who love me.  Oh, I’m not sure if I men­tioned this, but I got a sum­mer job at Luther­an Immi­gra­tion and Refugee Ser­vices!  I’ll be liv­ing in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. for the sum­mer.  I just need to get through this semes­ter.  I just need to get through Fri­day, real­ly.  Our human rights sym­po­sium is on Fri­day.  Hooray!
