Garden Excitement

Carl and I have been busy in the gar­den. It’s been lots of fun. I’ve plant­ed: lots of toma­toes, pep­pers, zuc­chi­ni, cucum­bers, mel­ons, onions, pota­toes, sweet pota­toes, car­rots, let­tuce (which is bolt­ing), rhubarb, ama­ranth, and, nat­u­ral­ly, bor­age. My herbs are safe­ly in their herb box­es, and Carl built me a box just for basil. Our arti­chokes from last year are com­ing back! And our straw­ber­ries are doing great. And our rasp­ber­ries are com­ing in. I’ve tak­en some pic­tures of some plants in the yard, in our flowerbed, and my laven­der bed. My laven­der is bloom­ing, and it’s awe­some.