Bread. Mmm.

I made banana muffins and banana bread over the week­end using two dif­fer­ent recipes. The muffins used brown rice flour and pecans, and the bread used teff flour and cream cheese. I had nev­er cooked with teff flour before. Appar­ent­ly it comes in dif­fer­ent col­ors — ivory, brown, and red — but our gro­cery store only had brown. Thus, the bread was a lit­tle dark­er than you nor­mal­ly expect. My hus­band thought both were good, though he pre­ferred the muffins slight­ly. I thought the bread was quite rich, prob­a­bly due more to the cream cheese than the flour. I think the ver­dict is just that banana bread is easy to make taste good, no mat­ter what recipe you use. In the past, I have used a mix­ture of white rice flour, tapi­o­ca flour, and corn­starch, and that always turned out well. Brown rice flour has a lit­tle more nutri­tion in it than white rice flour, so I think I will use the brown rice mix­ture from here on out. Might try mix­ing in some teff or mil­let flour next time though.

And then tonight, I made sour­dough bread. I end up mak­ing two loaves about every oth­er week. Carl says he likes it bet­ter than the store-bought bread. The starter has set­tled down now, so it is con­sis­tent from loaf to loaf. I’ve had the starter since July, so it’s nice and sourdough‑y. It uses a mix­ture of gar­ban­zo bean/fava bean flour, tapi­o­ca flour, corn­starch, and sorghum flour. And it is deli­cious. I use Bette Hage­man’s recipe — can I repro­duce it here? That is some­thing a lawyer should prob­a­bly know…

The pic­tures aren’t upload­ing. Just imag­ine two deli­cious-look­ing loaves of bread and a sin­gle muf­fin. Mmm.

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