sooo busy

It’s kind of an inside joke.

I am, how­ev­er, very busy. I have a paper due tomor­row that will deter­mine my future (I’m being only slight­ly dra­mat­ic), a midterm on Tues­day, a paper due on Thurs­day that will essen­tial­ly be one-half of my grade (anoth­er paper will be the oth­er half, I think), and a real­ly big paper due on Fri­day. I’m busy, but for some rea­son, I’m not pan­ick­ing. I’m just slow­ly get­ting things done. It’s won­der­ful. I steam-cleaned my car­pet, couch, and chairs yes­ter­day. I think I may mop my floors today. Or clean my kitchen. We’ll see.

I’m look­ing for­ward to the 22nd very much. Spring break starts this Fri­day (the 14th), and I’m going to the Twin Cities with LCM. I may have already men­tioned that. But some­one very spe­cial will be back on the 20th, and I’ll be back on the 22nd, and we get a whole week before he goes away again until June or July.

I watched Pride and Prej­u­dice last night. I like that sto­ry so much. There was a time when I read it in a day and could­n’t stop talk­ing like Jane Austen wrote for anoth­er few days.

I should get back to writ­ing. And not writ­ing in my blog.
