With­in a month or two after start­ing law school, I was at a career ser­vices thing, and they spent a minute stress­ing that the degree we were pur­su­ing is a Juris Doc­tor, not a Juris Doc­tor­ate.  Although I under­stand that some peo­ple might be con­fused, peo­ple should know what their own degree is.  I was giv­en a pam­phlet about a Repub­li­can can­di­date today (the Repub­li­can part isn’t impor­tant, but still…), and one of the state­ments in there was about him receiv­ing a Juris Doc­tor­ate from Wash­ing­ton Uni­ver­si­ty.  That just irri­tat­ed me.

Thought I’d men­tion it, because I’ve seen “Juris Doc­tor­ate” on a few attor­ney web­sites and all over our Luther class let­ter.