baby shower

I host­ed a baby show­er for my sis­ter-in-law recent­ly, and it was pret­ty fun. It was an after­noon tea, com­plete with home­made clot­ted cream. No spec­i­fied col­ors, but she want­ed owls, so I did yel­low and laven­der (and owls, of course). Dec­o­ra­tions includ­ed paper and tis­sue paper dec­o­ra­tions, an owl mobile, and foam balls cov­ered in fresh flow­ers (pur­ple car­na­tions and yel­low daisies)

Food: four types of tea sand­wich­es cut into owl shapes (man­go chut­ney chick­en sal­ad, cream cheese and cucum­ber, radish and but­ter with sea salt, and bacon toma­to); three hors d’ouevre (bacon-wrapped dates (stuffed with blue cheese), mini cap­rese sal­ads on tooth­picks, crispy salmon bites with a yogurt-dill sauce); home­made scones (reg­u­lar and blue­ber­ry) with clot­ted cream and sliced straw­ber­ries; and four desserts (berry tartlets, home­made petits fours, sug­ar cook­ies, and choco­lates shaped like owls and baby feet… and dinosaurs, because why not?). Drinks: four hot teas (black, green, herbal, chai), cof­fee, three iced teas (unsweet­ened, sweet­ened, and herbal), and home­made lemon­ade with smashed straw­ber­ries. Every­thing was gluten free (Canyon Bake­house bread), and I had some dairy-free options as well.

We played three games and had two activ­i­ties. One of the games was guess­ing the con­tents of a dia­per bag by touch. I bought a dia­per bag with owls on it, and the con­tents of it includ­ed ten items: dia­per, burp cloth, nasal aspi­ra­tor, baby pow­der, wipes, sun­bon­net (which I made accord­ing to this pat­tern), chang­ing pad, rat­tle, paci­fi­er, and bot­tle. The moth­er of a ten-month-old baby guessed nine out of the ten cor­rect­ly. Anoth­er game was putting a paper plate on your head and draw­ing a baby on it with a cray­on. Sil­ly but fun. And the third game was guess­ing the baby ani­mals based on the adult. The prizes for the games were pedi­cures in a jar (sad­ly, no pic­tures). I had labels on them, and each jar con­tained two col­ors of nail pol­ish and the five-piece pedi­cure set from the Dol­lar Store (heck yeah). Our activ­i­ties were writ­ing mes­sages to be opened at each month of the baby’s life and writ­ing mes­sages on dia­pers for mid­night dia­per changes.

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