Harry Potter cosplay at LeakyCon

I went to Leaky­Con in Octo­ber and had a FANTASTIC time. My friend Austin and I cel­e­brat­ed our way through the week­end. I cos­played each day, some days with mul­ti­ple cos­tumes. The first day, I was Luna Love­g­ood, and once the wig became too annoy­ing, just a Raven­claw stu­dent. The sec­ond day, I was a Wiz­eng­amot witch for the morn­ing, while I did my pre­sen­ta­tion. Then I changed to a stag patronus for the after­noon and evening. Sat­ur­day dur­ing the day, I was a Beaux­ba­tons stu­dent, and for the ball, I was a phoenix. And on Sun­day, I was a sleepy Raven­claw stu­dent (Austin and I declared Sun­day paja­ma day, and some oth­ers joined in). I’m sure you’ve been dying to see pic­tures from the week­end, so here they are!


My Luna Love­g­ood cos­tume was the heav­i­est of all my cos­tumes. Or at least it felt so because of the wig. With this, i made the wand, Carl made the neck­lace and ear­rings, I bought the wig, the tie, and the sweater (from the shop that made the sweaters for the films), and my friend Tyler Beal made the Quib­bler purse, which was just amaz­ing. I took my pic­ture with Moan­ing Myr­tle, of course.


Once the wig was too bur­den­some, I became a more relaxed Raven­claw stu­dent with the ear­rings as a nod to Luna.


The Wiz­eng­amot wear plum robes with an elab­o­rate sil­ver W on the left front. I wore a sim­ple black dress under it. My moth­er-in-law sewed the bag for me and cut out the W for me.


My stag patronus! This was entire­ly pur­chased. The mask is a work of art by Myth­i­cal Masks. I had Austin cast­ing me mul­ti­ple times in the halls. It was a great time.


This cos­tume was the clos­est I got to being spot on. The hat was pur­chased from a store on Etsy. The dress was made by a much more tal­ent­ed seam­stress than I am, Cherie Dug­gar, who was dead set on get­ting it right and did a pret­ty fan­tas­tic job. I paint­ed the shoes. The bag has an embroi­dered Beaux­ba­tons crest on it, done by my friend Tyler Beal.


My phoenix cos­tume involved a LOT of glit­ter pow­der. I bought the dress. The mask is anoth­er incred­i­ble design by Myth­i­cal Masks, this one cus­tom made. I got two col­ors of glit­ter pow­der — red and gold, and we put them lay­ered on top of each oth­er. Austin helped with the glit­ter, par­tic­u­lar­ly on my back.


The last morn­ing, Austin and I went as sleepy stu­dents. I had my death­ly hal­lows shirt and my Raven­claw pants (yay Hot Top­ic!), and Austin wore a 9 3/4 shirt and her Hog­warts pants. It was a great end to the week!