What I’m doing today

I apol­o­gize for the long hia­tus. It’s been a few weeks of out-of-town week­ends and very busy weeks. Today, I’m going to make anoth­er two loaves of sour­dough bread, exper­i­ment with GF choco­late chip cook­ies using a recipe I found and attempt­ing to alter a recipe I love, and then I’ll make bacon treats (also GF) for the dogs. I will make a full report on how every­thing turns out.

I also get to plant amaryl­lis bulbs today. And I’ll try to get to plant­i­ng some lily bulbs and replant­i­ng daf­fodil bulbs that came up last week­end.

We dug up all our sweet pota­toes — some are 8 inch­es across! My hus­band is going to build them a bin in our base­ment so that we can have our very own sem­blance of a root cel­lar. 🙂