
I’ll be attend­ing two con­fer­ences in the next month and a half, and I’m real­ly excit­ed about them.  The one I’m going to this week­end is the Rebel­lious Lawyer­ing con­fer­ence at Yale.  It’s a pub­lic inter­est law con­fer­ence, and there are two lec­tures on immi­gra­tion.  And then I’m going to the ABA Sec­tion of Inter­na­tion­al Law spring meet­ing in New York City.  I don’t think I even need to talk about how great it’s going to be.  There are pub­lic inter­na­tion­al law lec­tures and “young lawyer/law stu­dent” lec­tures, which are of par­tic­u­lar inter­est to me, but then there are also cor­po­rate law and trades/customs law lec­tures, which could pos­si­bly be inter­est­ing too.
